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Are T-shirts thrown away after one season? ! It is clear that the current situation is that I bought three in one year and threw away two.

TARROW TOKYO conducted an Internet-based "Fact-finding Survey on T-shirts" targeting 400 men and women aged 18 to 40.

<Details of survey results>

It turns out that the average number of T-shirts owned is 9 , and the average amount spent on one T -shirt is 2,141 yen!

Price is the most important point when purchasing a T -shirt !

“Fast fashion brand shops” were the most frequently purchased places.

The average number of T- shirts purchased per year is 2.8 ! On the other hand, it turned out that the number of discarded in one year is 1.7 on average .

About 70 % of people throw away T -shirts in less than 3 years , and about 20 % of them throw them away in less than a year .

―Overview of the survey―
•Survey period: June 2022 •Survey target: 400 men and women aged 18 to 49 •Survey method: Internet survey •Survey agency: Signal Research may not be
* Equal distribution of gender and age * Please specify "TARROW TOKYO research" when posting the results of this survey.

■It turns out that the average number of T-shirts owned is 9, and the average amount spent on one T-shirt is 2,141 yen!
'How many T-shirts do you have? When asked, it turned out that the average number of possession is 9. The person who had the most number of possessions among the respondents was the result of "60". Also, when asked about the amount of money spent on purchasing a T-shirt, the average amount was 2,141 yen.

■Price (76.2%) is the most important point when purchasing a T-shirt!
“Fast fashion brand shops (58.8%)” was the most common place of purchase.
When asked what they consider important when purchasing a T-shirt, 76.2% of respondents answered "price," followed by "design" at 72.4% and "size" at 63.0%. . Next, when asked about "where to buy T-shirts", 58.8% of the respondents answered "fast fashion brand shops", which ranked first among all generations.
Since many people place importance on "price" when choosing T-shirts, it can be seen that there is a strong tendency for all generations to purchase from fast fashion brands.

■The average number of T-shirts purchased per year is 2.8! On the other hand, it turned out that the average number of sheets discarded in one year is 1.7 sheets.
'How many T-shirts do you buy in a year? ’, the average number of T-shirts purchased per year is 2.8. On the other hand, when asked about the number of cards discarded in a year, the average was 1.7, revealing the current situation of buying 3 cards and discarding 2 cards in a year .

■About 70% of people throw away T-shirts in less than 3 years, and about 20% of them throw them away in less than a year.
“How long do you wear each T-shirt? When asked, about 70% (67.3%) of those who threw it away in less than 3 years. Of these, about 20% (21%) answered that they had worn it for less than a year, revealing the fact that many people throw it away after wearing it for one season .


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